vendredi, janvier 13, 2006

Le temps qu'il fait a Sydney toute l'annee

Average Sydney Weather
Sydney lies within the temperate region and has a moderate climate (climat tempere) that, unlike other parts of Australia, doesn’t get too hot or too cold (pas trop froid ni trop chaud).

The seasons in the southern hemisphere are the reverse of the seasons in the northern hemisphere (ici les saisons sont l'inverse de l'hemisphere Nord). Being in a temperate zone, the seasons are not as pronounced nor as prolonged as many other parts of the world.

Australia’s official seasons are:
Summer (Ete): December, January, February.
Autumn (Automne): March, April, May
Winter (Hiver): June, July, August
Spring (Printemps): September, October, November.

Summer (Dec, Jan, Feb)
During summer, the average temperature is around 24 degrees (moyenne Ete : 24 degres)
Winter (Jun, Jul, Aug)
During winter, the average temperatures is around 12 degrees (moyenne Hiver : 12 degres)

Average Sydney Temperature and Rainfall
Moyennes des temperatures (Mini / Maxi / Nombre de jours de pluie)

December: 17°C / 25°C / 7
January: 18°C / 26°C / 8
February: 19°C / 25°C / 8

March: 17°C / 25°C / 12
April: 14°C / 22°C / 13
May: 10°C / 19°C / 12

June: 8°C / 17°C / 11
July: 6°C / 16°C / 11
August: 7°C / 17°C / 8

September: 10°C / 20°C / 8
October: 12°C / 22°C / 7
November: 15°C / 24°C / 7

Voila, maintenant ceux qui veulent / peuvent venir sont avises ;-)

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